Friday, January 10, 2014

Refurbished iPads and iPhones - iPad Apps for College Students -


The iPad is hot Many college students will be hopping onto the bandwagon, and so we asked our friend Ryan Wood, a graduate of theUniversity of Findlay in Ohio, and now working at, for some his top picks for college students. (Reviews of the apps listed below are available at 

Here are some of the winners:

1. (Price: FREE) This made the list of top iPhone apps and is a must have for the iPad as well. Added functionality and an updated inventory of almost 1 million words makes this app a great companion in the college atmosphere. The entire dictionary, as well as the added thesaurus, is available offline. Additional features are available during Wi-Fi connectivity. 

2. Pages. (Price: $9.99) With Pages, Apple has created an extremely powerful word processing application on a mobile device. Containing Templates, advanced layout tools, and easy-to-use touch commands, Pages makes putting together papers easy and efficient. Pages also offers the ability to export documents to Pages '09 for the Mac, Microsoft Word, or PDF, ensuring compatibility regardless of what your specific campus uses. 

3. Numbers. (Price: $9.99) Numbers is the spreadsheet version of Pages, with the same compatibility and feature list offered with its word processing counterpart. It makes creating spreadsheets on the go simple and effective. Numbers offers exporting compatibility with Numbers '09 for the Mac, Microsoft Excel, and PDF. 

4. The Elements: A Visual Exploration. (Price: $13.99) This one is a little pricey, but for anyone with a science major, it's a must have. This powerful gem of an app provides detailed information in high-definition graphics for each element on the periodic table. See visual representations of each element, read about their specific attributes, and find examples of them in day-to-day life, all from the convenience of the iPad. As a political science undergrad, I still found myself mesmerized at the detail of this app. 

5. Things for iPad. (Price: $19.99) Things for iPad is another return hit from the best iPhone apps for college students. It's the most expensive app on the list, which made putting it on this list difficult. Then I remembered what it was like to have 18 credit hours, six clubs, fraternity meetings, dates, studying, campus events ... you get the idea. Things for iPad provides the same great time management that the original Things did, in a bigger, prettier, easier to use iPad-specific format. You'll be remembering which club event is where and how much time is available to cram for that economics midterm in no time.

6. Articles for iPad. (Price: $0.99) Articles provides a gorgeous user interface to help search Wikipedia on the go. I appreciate the debate about Wikipedia's relevance on college campuses and was told by plenty of professors not to use it. That said, it provided me with excellent starting material and a great list of resources to investigate all information. Added functionality, such as shaking the iPad to bring up a random posting, makes Articles fun even on those days that you're bored and trying to find something to do in your dorm room. 
by Lynn F. Jacobs, Jeremy S. Hyman

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