Monday, January 6, 2014

Refurbished iPad - iPad Apps for Home Organization -





If you own an iPad, you probably already know there are tens of thousands of apps that will transform your device into anything from a sketch pad to a mobile movie theater. It's truly a remarkable product, and while it's often used for entertainment, it can also help you stay organized at home, assisting with day-to-day chores, lists and activities.

When shopping for the most useful iPad apps, consumers desire a tool that is high-quality, user-friendly and fast. We all want apps that will make our lives easier, but who has time to sort through thousands of titles, blurbs and gimmicks to find the best ones? Look no further than our list of the best apps to aid you at home. Whether you want to tidy up your living space or condense your cluttered bookshelf, here are 10 iPad apps for home organization that are sure to simplify your life.

Hosting a dinner party but have no time to run to the store? Make restaurant-quality recipes with the ingredients you have on hand with the app featured on the next page!



Whether you're hosting a party and need a cosmic cocktail recipe or a dinner menu for six, Epicurious has you covered. With over 30,000 delicious recipes collected from popular cookbooks, gourmet magazines and world-famous chefs, Epicurious can help you find the perfect recipe by conducting a simple keyword search. If you're crunched for time, Epicurious provides recipes that include ingredients you already have on hand, and if you're ever curious as to whether a certain food is in season or not, this app can provide you with the answer. It also allows users to share their favorite dishes quickly and easily with friends and family via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter. Plus, theiPad is the perfect size to use as a digital cookbook. The high-quality screen looks so much like a cookbook that you might forget you're using an iPad!

Kids and chores don't usually mix.
Kraig Scarbinsky/Digital Vision/Thinkstock

If you have children and run a household, chances are you're constantly trying to think of clever ways to convince your kids to help you empty the dishwasher, clean their rooms and take out the trash. Giant posters and smiley-face stickers may be out of style, but iRewardChart is the award-winning iPad application that's cool with kids. iRewardChart motivates children to assist with responsibilities around the house by giving them custom rewards for a job well done, like "one hour of television" or "$5.00 allowance money." As chores are checked off, parents can track kids' progress and see which child deserves a pat on the back -- or a chocolate chip cookie -- for good behavior.

Grocery IQ

It happens to the best of us: You carefully write a grocery listbefore heading to the store but still forget to pick up toilet paper. With the Grocery IQ iPad app, shopping at the supermarket is fast, simple and you'll never forget the TP again. Jot down items as you need them, and use Grocery IQ's database containing millions of products to build lists quickly. You can add notes about quantity, container size and prices, and this app also categorizes your grocery lists by store aisle, so you'll never wander aimlessly around the supermarket looking for an elusive item again.

Grocery IQ can even save you money! The app features an integrated coupon book that updates regularly, allowing you to print coupons at home or add them to a store loyalty card.

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is an iPad app that helps you stay organized with day-to-day activities. Take your to-do list with you and organize appointments, deadlines and chores on the go. Prioritize important tasks with an easy-to-use, color-coded system, and you can label tags with custom titles to help you quickly find notes related to items on your to-do list. Remember the Milk can also remind you of pending deadlines by e-mailtext or instant messenger. Just be careful that the app knows what time zone you're in, or a reminder might not make it to you in time to get the job done!
Kids and chores don't usually mix.
Kraig Scarbinsky/Digital Vision/Thinkstock

by Natalie Kilgore


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