Monday, January 27, 2014

Refurbished iPad and iPhones - 5 Must Have Apps For The iPhone -

5 Must Have Apps For The iPhone image apps for iPhone


There are literally a million apps available in the App Store for iPhones. As of October, 2013, Apple was proud to announce they had grown from their initial offering of 800 apps in July of 2008, to a total of 1,000,000 (475,000 native to the iPad).

Obviously, it will take quite a while to get through that huge list of “helpers”. These are the tools that make your phone the truly powerful tool it can be. Okay, so it can also be a great time waster with the endless amount of games and other amusements, but we’re going to stick with some of the more productive options out there.

Google Maps This is the app I find myself using more than any other. Having an Atlas and GPS in your pocket at all times is a convenience it’s almost hard to believe I lived without. Google Maps is still by far the best free map app available for the iPhone.

You can look up addresses and get turn-by turn directions in real time. There are tips to avoid traffic, and safer bike routes (in select areas). What more could you ask for? Well, plenty, probably. But it won’t be long before that’s available, too.

Snapseed is the most versatile camera app available today – at least for free. It offers a nice range of editing tools and cool filters, along with strong photo correction, non-destructive editing and localized adjustments.

Besides integrating well with all of the social networks, Snapseed is the only iPhone app that comes close to a desktop photo-editing program.

LinkedIn continues to be the best business networking tool available. Whether you are very active in the professional world, or just looking for a job, LinkedIn can be a priceless aid.

Having full access to your business associates and all their information at the ready can prove to be invaluable.

Regardless of your field, as the smartphone and networking worlds grow so does LinkedIn. It is an important online network for anyone serious about their profession, and offers a very thorough iPhone app.

Dashlane is a very simple and effective password manager app. Like with any other password app, you’ll have to create one strong password to remember for you Dashlane account. All other passwords can be generated (on another device) and saved automatically to your account.

The app allows you access to your login credentials, and a copy and paste function for the encrypted passwords into apps and mobile websites when you need to use them.

There are some limitations to the free version, but a premium account can be had for $4.99 a month, or $39.99 a year. The premium account includes syncing which is vital to using the iPhone app. Dashlane is extremely secure, and if you perform sensitive transactions on your phone, it is worth the extra security.

Dropbox is, for many computer users, synonymous with file sharing and synching. It has been around for a long time, and as probably the most recognizable name in file-sharing, it integrates with literally hundreds of other apps and services.

Dropbox is a great way to have access to, and share, files of all types for you and your team – whatever the project may be – and wherever you may be. If you already use Dropbox as a computer user, the app is a must. You have access to all the files, wherever you are, in your pocket.

Twitter. Yes, this is a list of 5 Essential apps, and this is number 6. I debated adding Twitter, but decided to add it because of its ever-growing omnipresence in every facet of our culture.

We all need our distractions from time to time, and there is no question that Twitter is indeed a never-ending stream of that.

And, unlike Angry Birds, it can be legitimately used for business opportunities – or, at least that’s always a fair excuse.
by Steven Hughes

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