Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Refurbished iPad Mini - How's your Retina iPad mini battery life? -

The iPad mini with Retina Display has been available for a little while now, and so it's time to talk battery life. We've put it through its paces – thoroughly – and completed our full review, but battery life statistics are always much more detailed and accurate when they're crowd sourced. So, if you picked one up, how are you finding the battery life on your Retina iPad mini?

As with the iPad Air, we're seeing great battery life on the new Retina iPad mini. The WiFi only versions just keep on going, and the 4G LTE enabled one can still get you through a day and a night of tethering. Personally, I've not noticed it being any better, or worse, than the iPad Air. And that's no bad thing.
But we're not the only ones with a Retina iPad mini, and sadly not everyone gets the same great experience with battery life. There's things we can do to help the situation, but for one reason or another for some folks it just isn't that great. So, let us know what you're experiencing in the poll up top, and give us the details in the comments below.

by Richard Devine

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