Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5 - How to Work with Siri on Your iPhone 5 - Bring the genie out of the iPhone -

Bring the genie out of the iPhone

You can wake Siri a couple of ways, depending on your setup.
1. Press and hold the Home button.
If you turned on Raise to Speak, bring the iPhone to your ear. (The Raise to Speak feature works only if your iPhone's screen isn't blank. If the screen is blank, press the Home button first and then raise the phone to your ear.)

On your Apple earphones and remote, press and hold the center button to summon Siri. On a Bluetooth headset, press and hold the Call button.

Siri responds with two short beeps. "What can I help you with?" appears on your screen. This is your cue to begin speaking.

2. Ask her for what you want.
As you speak, the Microphone button onscreen shows the relative volume of your voice, which is often a problem in an extremely noisy environment.

3. When you’re done, stop talking or tap the Microphone button.
Tapping the button is faster because Siri doesn't have to wait for a pause.
Your commands appear onscreen, and Siri may ask for additional information if necessary.

4. Tap the Microphone button to respond to any questions Siri asks.
If your command involves the display of information or running of an app, you'll see the result onscreen. It typically shows up as a request for confirmation.


5. Tap the information or the app to make it full-screen.
Need to cancel a command? Say Cancel or tap either the Microphone or the Home button.

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