Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5 - 10 Crazy and Unbelievable Apps That Deserve to be Banned From the App Store - buyEtail Auctions

Even with Apple's strict guidelines, a few unbelievable and mind boggling apps have made their way into the App Store. Here is a quick look at some of the most horrible, offensive and useless apps ever created for the iPhone and iPad.

#10. Pocket Heat

Release Date: January, 2010
Banned: Still available 
Download link ($0.99)
Useless iPhone Apps: Pcoket Heat
Pocket Heat used to drain your battery and overheat your iPhone to keep your hands warm, but now it's just a "faux heater" that does its "best to heat you up using nothing more than pixels and sound waves". It looks like Apple wasn't happy about people turning their iPhones into portable heaters based on the App's official App Store message to haters:
"To all the negative comments - the app used to create heat by using the GPS, accelerometer and other things. This is no longer the case as Apple would not allow that functionality in this instance. We apologize for the confusion, but our descriptions and updates have always told what the app does."

#9 Quests and Dungeons by Sikalosoft

Release Date: October 20, 2012
Banned: Still available
Download link(s) Quests (Free) Dungeons ($0.99)
Banned iPhone Apps
Sikalosoft is the creator of the controversial Baby Shaker app (see below), and one of the worst developers still making iOS games. All you have to do is look at these screenshots to see why. Sikalosoft should be banned just for insulting Apple and Apple fans with these childish images.

#8. iAmAMan

Release Date: December, 2008
Banned: Still available
Download link ($1.99)
Crazy iPhone Apps: iAmAMan
iAmAMan by IPS Pirates doesn't deserved to be banned, but it has ruffled a lot of feathers. The app allows men to track their girlfriend's menstrual cycle, and "helps to avoid misunderstandings and preserve your relationship." The app has received criticism for allowing the tracking of several women at the same time, and for claiming it can help men predict their girlfriend’s "mood" so they can "save money" on dates.

#7. I Am Rich

Release Date: August 5, 2008
Banned: August 6, 2008
Banned Apps: I Am Rich
Armin Heinrich's $1,000 app allowed frivolous iPhone users to download a glowing red gem that contained a secret rich person's mantra. The app's official description called it "a work of art with no hidden function at all". The app was pulled by Apple without explanation the day after its release. Android owners can now download it for free through Google Play.

#6. Sexy Bikini Fart

Release Date: August, 2009
Banned: unknown
Banned iPhone Apps
This app did not just deliver bikini farts, it delivered "sexy" bikini farts from hot sexy girls who like to talk dirty. I'm not sure why Apple banned this one.

#5. Annoy-A-Teen

Release Date: August, 2009
Banned: Still available
Download link ($0.99)
Useless iPhone Apps: Annoy-A-Teen
This app promises to keep pesky teenagers off your lawn by transmitting "irritatingly high frequency sounds that most adults" can't hear. The app's users reviews warn of being ripped off. Even the screenshots of this app are offensive.

#4. Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free

Release Date: February 23, 2013
Banned: unknown
Banned iPhone Apps
Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free (yes, that's the actual full name) is considered one of the worst games ever released for iOS devices. The game became an internet sensation after IGN posted a video about its absurd in-app purchases and blatant rip off of Pokémon and Mario Bros. The game asked players to spend up to $100 to unlock additional characters while ripping off some of Nintendo's most popular franchises.
Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free Games

#3. Pet Baby

Release Date: August 02, 2012
Banned: Still available
Download link ($0.99)
Scary iPhone Apps: Pet Baby
Pet Baby is not only useless, but it has to be one of the creepiest and loneliest apps ever created. The app allows you to turn your pet into a science fiction nightmare by merging its face with a human baby. I keep imagining some insane person with 200 framed human-cat hybrid images decorating their walls.

#2. Phone Story

Release Date: September 9, 2011
Banned: September 13, 2011
Banned iPhone Apps: Phone Story
Phone Story claims to be "an educational game about the dark side of your favorite smart phone," but Apple didn't see it that way. Apple banned the app for violating their developer guidelines, but some questioned the validity of their claim. The game features four minigames where players must force children to mine coltan, and stop employees from committing suicide. It is debatable if this game is in poor taste, or really educating people as the creators claim it does. You can read more about the game at

#1. Baby Shaker

Release Date: April, 2009
Banned: April, 2009
Banned iPhone Apps: Baby Saker
In 2009, Apple was forced to apologize for the Baby Shaker application after it gained negative media attention. It only took Apple a few days to pull the app, but the damage was already done. The game required users to silence a crying baby by shaking it to death. Here's Sikalosoft's (the developer of Baby Shaker) original apology for the game.
"Yes, the Baby Shaker iPhone app was a bad idea. "You should never shake a baby! Even on an Apple iPhone Baby Shaking application."

by Marshall Walker

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