Monday, September 16, 2013

Refurhbished Apple iphone 5 Unlocked - Why Buy an Unlocked iPhone 5 -

Why I bought my iPhone 5 unlocked:

1. I didn’t want to sign another contract. I re-signed a 3 year contract with my cellphone provider when I bought my iPhone 4 two years ago. As you know, someone decided to help themselves to my iPhone last spring. Sadly, when someone steals your cellphone they don’t steal your cellphone contract with it, so I was left using a borrowed iPhone 3 on my original contract. Bummer. Now if I lost my iPhone 5, I won’t be stuck paying the contract for a phone I don’t have, so I can always reduce my services while I use a cheaper phone in the interim.

2. An unlocked phone can be used with any carrier. This means I’m free to move to Europe etc., take my phone with me, pop in a local sim card, and continue on my merry way. When a cellphone is locked to a certain carrier, it cannot be used with any other.

3. An unlocked phone can be used pay-as-you-go with any services you choose. Ever sign a cellphone contract with services you didn’t need, like 400 minutes of talk time? I sure did. Who even talks on the phone anymore when you can text?? A cellphone without a contract lets you mix and match the services you want, resulting in a lower bill. Here’s a fun fact: when signing a new cellphone contract, in order to get the subsidized price on the new iPhone, you need to select a cellphone plan that costs at least $50/mo or $60/mo. If you’re paying your cellphone company $50+ per month for a 3 year contract, they’re going to make minimum $1,800 off of you. The $159 price tag on the iPhone isn’t such a steal now is it?

4. Unlocked phones have a high resale value. Two-year old iPhone 4′s are still selling for $200-$300, and assuming my iPhone 5 is worth the same 2 years from now, it means it will have only cost me half of what I actually paid. iPhones locked to a carrier can still be sold for a good price, but it’s trickier.

So I understand why many people balked at the price tag on my new iPhone, but I really couldn’t rope myself into another 3 year cellphone contract at $60/mo.  I want the freedom to take my phone anywhere and use it just for data & texting!


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