Friday, March 18, 2016

Refurbished Apple iPhones - Secret Siri commands: Cool questions you can ask right now! - buyEtail

The name's Bond...!

Siri will default to using your name and the name of your contacts. If you want to change that, tell Siri: "Call me 'honey muffin' " or "Gwendolyn is my mom". If Siri has trouble pronouncing a name or nickname, tell it: "That's not how you pronounce 'A Lie'!" and it will ask you for the correct pronunciation.

Find my photos

Sir now has access to the Photos app, so it can search for picture and videos based on time, place, album, and even person (if you've set up Faces in Photos for OS X). If your albums have event-based names, you can ask Siri to "Show me photos of Eddy from Karaoke in San Francisco last fall."

by Rene Ritchie

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