Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Refurbished Apple iPhones - iOS 8.4 tips and tricks: See what your iPhone and iPad can do now - General iOS 8 tips - buyEtail

Find battery guzzling apps: Apple doesn't specifically tell you which apps are using the most memory, but it does allow you to check which apps have used the most battery over the last 24 hours or 6 days. Go to Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage. Here you'll be able to see if a certain app has been used more than others. That might help change how you use that app.

Standard or Zoomed: On the iPhone 6 and iPhone you can change the display setting from Standard or Zoomed. To switch between the two if you've changed your mind after setup go to Settings > Display > Display Zoom and select Standard or Zoomed.

Set the brightness: It's now moved from Wallpapers & Brightness to Display and Brightness.
Text Size and Bold Text: To change the default text size and whether you want all fonts to be bold to make the easier to read go to Display & Brightness > Bold Text.

Favourite and recent people: Double tap on the home button to reveal the app tray. Above your apps you'll see circles of the people you've recently talked or messaged with. Swipe to the left to reveal your Favourites. Pressing on their face (or icon) reveals shortcuts to call, message, FaceTime, and FaceTime Audio them.
Disable Favourites and contacts showing in App Switcher: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar scroll down and toggle "Show in App Switcher". When you go back to the App Switcher mode they will have gone.

10-day forecast in weather: Go to weather, and on any city swipe up. You now get to see the 10 day forecast as well as additional information like a mini weather forecast for the day, sunrise and sunset times and the chance of rain.

Hey Siri: To get siri working by just shouting at it rather than pressing a button go to Settings > General > Siri > Allow "Hey Siri". A word of note you will need to have it connected to a power source for it to work.
Choose a new wallpaper: New wallpapers to be had in the Settings > Wallpaper.

Setting up Do Not Disturb: If you travel a lot to different time zones it's probably a good idea to schedule your iPhone to go into to Do Not Disturb mode. Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and then schedule in a time. We've set ours from midnight to 6am. During that time all calls and alerts will be silenced. If you are worried that you might miss an important call you can set the phone to allow calls from Favourites or repeated calls if someone is calling more than once in a three-minute window. You can now in iOS 7 set it so the Do Not Disturb works only when you've got the phone locked or all the time regardless of what you are doing. Handy if you are in the middle of a presentation.

Creating nested folders: It's a glitch, but it does work if you are timely. Create a Nested folder by dragging one app icon on to another one. Then quickly drag that folder into an existing folder. If you are not timely enough, keep trying and you should achieve a nested folder.

Enable Wi-Fi calling on EE: If you are a EE customer in the UK you can enable Wi-Fi calling. To do so go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calls.


by Stuart Miles and Elyse Betters


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