Monday, December 15, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPad Mini - How to Preserve Battery Life on Your Apple iPad Mini -

Extend Your iPad Mini's Battery Life

Not only are these tips affective on the iPad mini, but universally on most smartphones and tablets.
Toggle off unnecessary settings. If you're not using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, turn them off.

Disable push notifications. Turn off any applications that you might not need at a constant rate, like Instagram, Twitter, or Mail. Instead, you can just check each application periodically for any updates. Some, like Mail, you can even set to check for data less frequently..

Turn off sounds. Having sounds on can decrease the battery. I toggle the sound switch on silent and use vibrate for most notifications.

Adjust brightness. Change and lower the brightness according to your surroundings. Auto-brightness is turned on by default, so make sure to manually adjust the brightness to a lower setting.

Clear running applications. Every so often, double-tap on the home button and clear all the applications running in the background on your phone. After a while, they clog up the CPU so make sure to wipe them every so often.

Smart charge your device. Run the battery all the way down to 0 every so often (10-15 charge cycles). Apple recommends doing it once a month.

by Nelson Aguilar

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