Sunday, November 16, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5S - Things You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Do -

 It can charge much faster if you turn it on airplane mode while charging.

If you make a mistake while writing an email, editing a photo, or texting, simply shake your phone and this will show up and allow you to edit easily.

When you need to start a new sentence, just double-tap the spacebar and it will add a period and a space for you.


Find out what airplanes are flying above you. Just say  “what flights are overhead.”

Take a screen shot.
This is useful taking photos of websites, texts, or a funny moment you want to keep. Just hold the home button down and the on/off button at the top right corner at the same time. The screen shot will be saved in your camera roll. Works on an Ipad too.


Teach Siri how to pronounce words.
Whenever Siri mispronounces a word, just say, “That’s not how you pronounce “_____” and she’ll offer you alternatives. You can select the proper one.


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