Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhones and iPads New Retail Store Dallas, TX - 3404 E. Beltline Rd., Dallas, TX buyEtail

Come See Our New Retail Store at 3404 E. Beltline Rd., Dallas, TX.  We have now taken buyEtail to the next level with our new retail store.   Apple iPhones and iPads - Don't miss these great deals

Monday, November 24, 2014

New Retail Store Dallas, TX - 3404 E. Beltline Rd., Dallas, TX buyEtail

Come See Our New Retail Store at 3404 E. Beltline Rd., Dallas, TX.  We have now taken buyEtail to the next level with our new retail store.   TV's, Computers, appliances - Don't miss these great deals

Friday, November 21, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5S - Even More Things You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Do -

Use Speak Selection on iPhone and Ipad, so it reads texts out loud.

Begin by opening the Settings app. Scroll down, choose General, tap Accessibility, then turn on Speak Selection. For voice, you can choose from a wide range of voices from the Speak Selection Menu. These include Australian, British, Spanish accents and much more. To speak words out loud, highlight any text (by double-tapping or tapping and holding on it), then tap the Speak button in the pop-up menu. If you can’t see the Speak button, tap the small right arrow on the pop-up menu, then choose Speak.

Create a passcode with letters instead of numbers.
Change the default setting. Go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock and turn off “Simple Passcode.” You will be prompted to change your passcode, and a full keyboard will appear instead of the number pad. And this keyboard will pop up when you need to unlock your phone.

Add web suffixes easily.
Just by holding down the “.” at the bottom of your keyboard, and a menu will pop up with a list of web suffixes to choose from such as .com, .org, .net, .edu.

View a more detailed calendar. When using the calendar app, just turn you phone sideways and a more detailed schedule will appear.

Access your email drafts easily by holding down the Compose icon in the lower right corner and it will quickly take you to a list of your drafts.


See the timestamps of text messages by sliding the texts over.

Lock autofocus and exposure while you are taking photos.
You can lock the focus and exposure by pressing and holding your finger on the screen until the yellow square appears and blinks twice. A yellow icon and “AE/AF Lock” will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming that you’ve locked in the exposure and focus. It will stay that way until you’re done taking the photo.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5S - More Things You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Do -

If you want to listen to music or audiobooks before you go to sleep, set a timer so it turns off.

Launch your Clock app with a tap, and then tap on the Timer button in the lower right. Once there, set the timer for however long you want your media to play. Next, tap “When Timer Ends,” and scroll down to the bottom. Tap on “Stop Playing.” Now, when your music will stop playing when the timer runs out.


You can control the scrubbing rate of video and audio by moving your finger down the screen as your scrub through it. 
When you navigate in a video you drag the playhead horizontally to the right or the left to go forward or backward. While doing this you will see a message that will allow you to adjust the scrubbing rate.

Use the volume up or volume down buttons to take a photo, as long as the camera app is open.

Rapid photo shots.
By holding down the capture button, the iPhone will automatically go into burst mode and take a series of shots, ensuring that you capture the perfect shot.

Use your iPhone as a level. Just swipe left in the Compass app and voilà!



Sunday, November 16, 2014

Refurbished Apple iPhone 5S - Things You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Do -

 It can charge much faster if you turn it on airplane mode while charging.

If you make a mistake while writing an email, editing a photo, or texting, simply shake your phone and this will show up and allow you to edit easily.

When you need to start a new sentence, just double-tap the spacebar and it will add a period and a space for you.


Find out what airplanes are flying above you. Just say  “what flights are overhead.”

Take a screen shot.
This is useful taking photos of websites, texts, or a funny moment you want to keep. Just hold the home button down and the on/off button at the top right corner at the same time. The screen shot will be saved in your camera roll. Works on an Ipad too.


Teach Siri how to pronounce words.
Whenever Siri mispronounces a word, just say, “That’s not how you pronounce “_____” and she’ll offer you alternatives. You can select the proper one.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Great deals on Refurbished Samsung Galaxy S5 - Inside car mode on the Samsung Galaxy S5 -

Galaxy S5 car mode

We're all aware of the dangers of using a smartphone behind the wheel, but as they're ever more the center of our connected lifestyles there are several things it can do for you. Music, navigation, hands-free communication, for example.

What Samsung has on the Galaxy S5 is its own built in car mode that gives you that functionality while trying to remain as safe as possible. You still absolutely need to use it in a windshield or vent mounted dock, but here's what Samsung car mode can do for you.

What it does and how to activate it

Galaxy S5 car mode

What it does is very little, and that's a good thing. It purposely limits the options available to you. So you can call, message, get your music and use the navigation. The buttons to press are pretty gigantic – and it also works just the same in landscape – so you don't need to concentrate too much on hitting the right one. In good light it'll be colored, when it gets darker you'll see the more refined user interface pictured up top.
It's also fully controllable with your voice. Say "Hi Galaxy" followed by a voice command and car mode will carry it out without you taking your eyes off the road for even a split second
Sounds great, so how do you activate it? The first method is to slide down your quick settings menu and tap the relevant toggle. The second – and much cooler – way of doing it is with Bluetooth. If you have a Bluetooth connection in your car you can register it so that when the phone detects it and connects, car mode is automatically engaged.

Example voice commands

Galaxy S5 car mode

Each of the four options available has a voice command. Here are some examples of what you can say:
"Call David home"
"Text Katie message I'm going to be late"
"Navigate to Wembley Stadium"
"Play album Out Among the Stars"
Pretty basic, but get the job done without needing to touch the phone at all. If you do touch the buttons to initiate, you're still prompted to say what you want to do.
Each of the four features have their own settings to customize. While pretty basic, they're worth checking out because they could make the experience even slicker.
Phone - Edit suggested contacts
Messages - Edit suggested contacts to keep your most messaged people close at hand and set a stock response message.
Navigation - Set a location as home and work so you're able to just say "navigate home," or "navigate to work." Add other custom places too so that you can get them quickly and easily.
Car mode on the Galaxy S5 is a really simple tool but one that manages to keep you connected without needing to touch the phone at all. Distractions behind the wheel are still dangerous, but Samsung has done a good job at trying to minimize it.

by Richard Devine

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Great deals on Refurbished Samsung Galaxy S5 - Top 5 tips and tricks for using Samsung S Voice -

S Voice

Samsung went to the trouble to make its own voice-recognition app — here's how to use it
S Voice is the bundled voice command application that comes with the Galaxy S5 and other Samsung devices which allows you to take all sorts of actions without having to fiddle with your phone . These five tips will get you up and running with S Voice in no time.

S Voice

Before diving in, let's just make sure S Voice is working properly for you. S Voice should be ready to go right out of the box. Just press the home button twice at the bottom of the device in the center and a screen should pop up with a little microphone at the bottom. If not, you may need to enable the shortcut.
Swipe down from the top of the home screen, and tap the gear in the top-right to go into settings.
Scroll to the bottom and tap S Voice.
Tap "Open via the home key" if the box is not already checked.

S Voice wake-up command on the Samsung Galaxy S5

Setting up a custom voice command can wake up S Voice without even needing to touch your device . All you have to do is say the wake-up command while S Voice is open. By default, the command to do this is "Hi Galaxy," but you can change it to something a little more your style. It's worth noting that this does not work like "OK Google" does from every screen.

Start S Voice by pressing the home button twice. The home button is at the bottom of the device, in the center.
Tap the three dots in the top-right to bring up the menu, and tap Settings.
Tap Voice wake-up, then tap Set wake-up command. If you can't tap Set wake-up command, you may need to tap the switch in the top-right first.

The next screen will prompt you to say your wake-up command four times after tapping the microphone button. Make sure you're in a relatively quiet area before trying to do this, or else it won't recognize what you're saying.

Know the S-Voice commands
S Voice can be a little stiff when recognizing commands, so be sure you know which commands you're likely to use most often and how to say them so S Voice can be its most useful. Some of these you might not have even realized were options. Here is a list of S Voice commands and examples of how to use them.
Voice dial - "Call Charlie mobile"
Message - "Text Katie message Are you free tonight for dinner?"
Seach contacts - "Look up James"
Memo - "Memo Send mom a card"
Schedule - "New event  Lunch with James July 21st at 1 PM"
Task - "Create task Concert review due May 18th"
Music - "Play artist The Beatles"
Social update - "Twitter update Why do humans live so far north?"
Search - "Google Population of Portugal"
Open app - "Open Calculator"
Record voice - "Record voice"
Set alarm - "Set alarm for 6:00 AM"
Set timer - "Set timer for 2 minutes"
Control simple settings - "Turn Wi-Fi off"
Navigate - "Navigate to Cambridge, MA"
Hear news - "Read the news"
Weather - "What is the weather for today?"
Get an answer - "What is the highest mountain?"

Car Mode on the Samsung Galaxy S5

If you're behind the wheel, S Voice can read out your incoming messages and accept hands-free commands at the same time. This is called Car Mode, and can be activated easily. S Voice and Car Mode are separate features though, so you won't have full access to every S Voice command when activated. Ironically enough, you can't turn on Car Mode from S Voice. Here's how to get started  with Car Mode.
Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the three tiles icon in the top-right to view more settings toggles.
Find and tap Car Mode.
If launching for the first time, you'll need to agree to the terms of service and pair up with your car's Bluetooth audio system, if it has one.
Once launched, Car Mode will listen for Hi Galaxy, just like S Voice and allow you to launch phone calls, dictate messages, start navigation, and control media playback. You can also reject calls with a voice command and set an automated SMS reply.

For those times when you know you won't be able to access your phone for a while, you may already by using a Bluetooth headset. S Voice can be set as the default voice dialing application associated with Bluetooth. How you start voice dialing will vary by Bluetooth device, but generally you just need to hold down the primary button for a moment. After pairing your headset and activating voice dialing, your Samsung Galaxy S5 will pop up with a prompt asking for which apple to use by default. If something else opens, here's how you clear the default app to make way for S Voice.

Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the gear icon in the top-right to go into settings.
Tap the magnifying glass icon and type in "default". A settings search result for Default Applications should appear below. Tap it.
Find S Voice on the list and tap the Clear button.
Once finished, try launching voice dialling again from the device, and you should get the option to select S Voice.
That's S Voice!
That's S Voice on the Samsung Galaxy S5 in a nutshell. It should help beginners get started, as well as provide a foundation for those that had never given it an earnest try. We're always happy to help out, so be sure to leave a comment here if you're having any issues with S Voice.

by Simon Sage

Friday, November 7, 2014

Great Buy on Apple iPhone 5S Refurbished Smart Phones - Top iOS8 Features Part 2 -

5. Spotlight finds more

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Similar to as in OS X Yosemite, Spotlight in iOS 8 gains a few new tricks. Now you will be able to search for apps — not just on your device, but ones that you might want to download — as well as geographic points of interest, news and restaurants. You can also search for songs, and Spotlight will show results from your library as well as ones in iTunes. If you search for a movie, Spotlight will bring up local theater listings, as well as content available for streaming. 

6. Keyboard gets smarter — at last

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Finally, predictive typing has come to iOS. Apple’s QuickType, as it’s called, will now suggest words and phrases based not just on who you’re writing to, but also in what app you’re writing.  Otherwise, the keyboard looks the same as before — with still no dedicated number row above the keyboard. 
However, Apple now supports third-party keyboards, such as Swype, which will no doubt please many power users. 

7. Photos and camera get more advanced

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iOS 8 provides a new application for managing photos.  Whenever a photo is taken on the iPhone, the Photos App automatically straightens it. The app also provides smart editing tools that can adjust light and color with just a swipe. Photos will also have individual tools available for fine-tuning images.  These will include adjusting exposure, brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows and more.  The Photos framework will be available for third party developers to build upon. iOS 8 also allows camera apps more control of the phone’s shooter, including manual adjustment of focus, shutter speed and ISO (light sensitivity). 

8. Healthkit unifies medical data

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While there are dozens of different health and fitness apps, there’s no way to aggregate all the info from these different features. Similar to Passbook, Healthkit will let you combine that info in a centralized place. At the announcement, Apple didn’t specify which third-party apps would integrate with Healthkit, but the leading apps-such as Fitbit and Nike+ were shown on screen. 
The second part of Healthkit is the ability for users to share information  that it collects with their doctors. So, for example, when a patient takes his or her blood pressure reading, Healthkit can see if the blood pressure is in the right range. If not, the app can contact the hospital and doctor. Partners announced are the Mayo Clinic and Epic Systems, a technology provider for a number of hospitals across the country.

9. HomeKit provides smart home master control

ios8 homekit
Much like health and fitness apps, there are a multitude of smart home devices that don’t talk to each other. Apple’s HomeKit establishes a common network protocol, so users will be able to control all their devices without having to open a number of different apps. HomeKit will let you group devices into individual “scenes,” and control devices using Siri. So, for example, you can say “Get ready for bed” and your garage door will close, the lights will turn off, and the thermostat will change temperature. 
While no partners were officially announced, Apple said it was working with a number of companies including iDevices, iHome, Philips and Honeywell.

10. Messages gets group functions

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Users will now have added control over group messages. You can name your threads, add or remove people, and set Do Not Disturb for individual message threads. Additionally, you will be able to share location information, as well as photos shared within the thread.

by Michael A. Prospero

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Great Buy on Apple iPhone 5S Refurbished Smart Phones - Top iOS8 Features Part 1 -

1. Notifications are easier to access

When Tim Cook called iOS 8 a giant release, he wasn’t kidding. The newest version of Apple’s mobile operating system available now, features a number of improvements to notifications, the TouchID sensor, as well as ways to integrate health information and smart home gadgets. Did we mention third-party keyboards? Here’s a quick rundown of the ten most interesting new features of iOS 8.
Building on iOS 7′s flat interface, iOS 8 lets you do more with the simple double-tap. Now, instead of just showing all your open apps , it also shows thumbnail images of the people with whom you communicate frequently. From here, you can tap on a thumbnail to call, message, or email that person. 
It’s now easier to respond to notifications. If you get a text message, for example, it will appear on the top of the screen as before, but instead of having to open the messaging app , you can reply right from the home screen. This feature also works for Calendar notifications, as well as third-party apps such as Facebook. Don’t want to respond? You can swipe to ignore a message, or decline a meeting invite. You can also set this feature up to work from the lock screen, which will shave a few seconds off your response time. 
Additionally, third-party developers will be able to create widgets that will appear in the notifications drawer. For example, an ESPN SportsCenter widget will show scores from your favorite teams. An eBay widget will let you monitor and even raise your bids. 

2. Siri is more responsive

Siri is becoming a lot more car-friendly, as it will support better hands-free use. You can now just say “Hey Siri” to start the assistant. Further, Siri will work with Shazam to recognize songs, and let you purchase tracks using just your voice. 
3. TouchID for all

Third-party apps will now be able to use TouchID. However, as before, the fingerprint data will remain only on the iOS device. This should make it allot easier to log into Facebook and Twitter, as well as make mobile payments. 
4. Mail navigation with a simple swipe

A few tweaks to the Mail app make it easier to flag and delete messages with a swipe. When composing email you can swipe down on a draft to minimize it and access other emails in your inbox. Then, tap on the bottom of the screen to reopen your draft. Other neat tricks include the ability to add calendar events right from email, such as OpenTable invites. 
1. Notifications are easier to access

When Tim Cook called iOS 8 a giant release, he wasn’t kidding. The newest version of Apple’s mobile operating system available now, features a number of improvements to notifications, the TouchID sensor, as well as ways to integrate health information and smart home gadgets. Did we mention third-party keyboards? Here’s a quick rundown of the ten most interesting new features of iOS 8.

1. Notifications are easier to access

notifications 426x400

Building on iOS 7′s flat interface, iOS 8 lets you do more with the simple double-tap. Now, instead of just showing all your open apps , it also shows thumbnail images of the people with whom you communicate frequently. From here, you can tap on a thumbnail to call, message, or email that person. 
It’s now easier to respond to notifications. If you get a text message, for example, it will appear on the top of the screen as before, but instead of having to open the messaging app , you can reply right from the home screen. This feature also works for Calendar notifications, as well as third-party apps such as Facebook. Don’t want to respond? You can swipe to ignore a message, or decline a meeting invite. You can also set this feature up to work from the lock screen, which will shave a few seconds off your response time. 
Additionally, third-party developers will be able to create widgets that will appear in the notifications drawer. For example, an ESPN SportsCenter widget will show scores from your favorite teams. An eBay widget will let you monitor and even raise your bids. 

2. Siri is more responsive

ios8 siri 607x400

Siri is becoming a lot more car-friendly, as it will support better hands-free use. You can now just say “Hey Siri” to start the assistant. Further, Siri will work with Shazam to recognize songs, and let you purchase tracks using just your voice. 

3. TouchID for all

ios8 touchid 515x400

Third-party apps will now be able to use TouchID. However, as before, the fingerprint data will remain only on the iOS device. This should make it allot easier to log into Facebook and Twitter, as well as make mobile payments. 

4. Mail navigation with a simple swipe
ios 8 mail 457x400 

A few tweaks to the Mail app make it easier to flag and delete messages with a swipe. When composing email you can swipe down on a draft to minimize it and access other emails in your inbox. Then, tap on the bottom of the screen to reopen your draft. Other neat tricks include the ability to add calendar events right from email, such as OpenTable invites.

by Michael A. Prospero

Monday, November 3, 2014

Great Deal on Thomas Kinkade's Prints - buy through

Blessings of Autumn - Authentic Artwork Print by Thomas Kinkade

Lamplight Inn Authentic Artwork Print by Thomas Kindade

Hometown Christmas Authentic Artwork Print by Thomas Kinkade