Friday, October 17, 2014

Buy Refurbished iPhone 5S - More Best iPhone and iPad apps of the week -

Cars:  Fast as Lighting

Cars: Fast as Lightning is a casual city-building game with light one-touch racing elements. It features the whole cast of the familiar Pixar movie, and even has a dash of original voice acting. Players build up their own little town of Radiator Springs and customize tracks with outrageous stunts. Race against fierce competitors in one-on-one battles relying on tight turns and big jumps. Expect the usual freemium elements here, such as resource gathering at regular intervals, premium currency, energy meters, and upgrade timers.

Cars: Fast as Lightning is kid-friendly, and offers some unique mechanics in the grand scheme of casual games.

Reckless Racing 3

Reckless Racing 3 is a gorgeous rally racing game with touch-friendly controls. Work your way through 36 different routes in career, arcade, or single events. If you feel like you're on your A-game, you can give the obstacle course a try and hone your drifting skills. Gamepad and iCloud support are both included, plus if you've got the urge to fast-track progress, there are in-app purchases available.
Sporty drivers will have great time in Reckless Racing 3.

by Simon Sage

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